Operating the SA7x
2.3 Applying Power to the SA7x Enclosure
3. Restore power to the enclosure by turning on the Master On/Off switch.
4. Verify the power is on by checking that the fan is operating. Do this by
feeling for airflow out of the rear of the enclosure.
2.4 Placing RA7x Drives On Line and Off Line
This section explains how to place RA7x disk drives on line and off line.
2.4.1 Placing a Drive On Line
After applying power to the SA7x enclosure, use the following procedure to place
a drive on line:
1. Press the drive power switch for the drive you want to bring online. (Refer
to Figure 2–1.) If power to the drive is within specifications, the green drive
power indicator lights. If the indicator does not light, see Chapter 5.
Setting a drive power switch to on does not spin up the associated drive.
Applying power to the disk drive starts the drive’s internal power-on
diagnostics. These diagnostics are signaled at the OCP by the following
sequence of indicator lights:
a. All indicators light for about eight seconds.
b. If the drive completes the power-on diagnostics without detecting a fault,
all indicators go out.
c. If the Fault/Set No. indicator remains lit, the drive has detected a fault.
Press the Fault/Set No. switch to obtain a blinking OCP error code. The
light pattern converts to a two-character error code. (See Chapter 5.)
Pressing the Fault/Set No. switch a second time commands the drive to
attempt to clear the error and return online.
2. Press the Run switch on the OCP to spin up the drive. (Refer to Figure 2–1.)
The following sequence of indicator lights occurs during spinup:
a. The Run indicator lights to show that you have commanded spinup. All
other indicators remain off. (If you have powered up the drive with the
Run switch set, you must either momentarily release, then reset, the Run
switch, or enter a MOUNT command from your system to initiate spinup.
The Run indicator lights to show that spinup was initiated through either
of these actions.)
b. When the drive completes spinup, the Ready indicator lights to show that
the drive is read/write ready.
c. The Ready indicator then flashes while the internal read/write and seek
diagnostics run.
d. Upon completion of the read/write and seek diagnostics, the Ready
indicator remains lit.
e. The Fault/Set No. indicator lights if the drive detects fault during spinup.
Operating the SA7x 2–7