Introducing the SA7x Enclosure
1.3 SA7x Specifications
Table 1–5
(Continued) SA7x Enclosure Specifications
Operating temperature
+10° C to +40° C (+50° F to +104°
F). Derate 1.8° C for each 1,000 m
altitude or 1.0° F for each 1,000 ft
Operating humidity
10% to 85% @ maximum wet bulb
tempe32° C (+90° F) and
minimum dew point of +2° C (+36° F)
Operating altitude
Up to 2,400 m (8,000 ft)
Nonoperating temperature
-40° C to +66° C (-40° F to +151° F)
Nonoperating relative humidity
8% to 80% relative humidity,
Nonoperating altitude
4,900 m (16,000 ft)
Shock and vibration
Complies with DEC Standard 102
Enclosure acoustic noise
(with four RA7x disk drives)
Complies with DEC Standard 102
Fan operating parameters:
Low speed operation
Below +28° C (+82° F), +/- 1° C (1.8°
High speed operation
Above +30° C (+86° F), +/- 1° C (1.8°
Nominal airflow through the enclosure
Between 45 and 65 cubic ft per
Input power requirements (47 to 63 Hz)
4.6 A @ 100 to 120 Vac (60 Hz), 2.3 A
@ 220 to 240 Vac (50 Hz)
1.4 User Precautions
Digital recommends that certain precautions be taken to protect equipment and
user data. These precautions involve backup methods, recommended operating
temperatures, and electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection, all of which are
discussed in this section.
1.4.1 Data Recovery
Data is not recoverable from an inoperable head disk assembly (HDA). Therefore,
it is your responsibility to make sure data is protected using proper backup
procedures. Digital recommends the following backup methods for RA7x disk
• File duplication—This method normally involves copying data onto removable
media, such as magnetic tape.
• Journaling—This method is recommended for files in a transaction processing
application. Journaling allows reconstruction of files up to the last checkpoint
or backup.
1–10 Introducing the SA7x Enclosure