Age n cy Com plia n ce a n d Appr ov a ls
UL60950- 1; 2
Edit ion
CSA C22.2 No. 60950- 1- 07 2
Edit ion
The m anufact ur er declar es under sole r esponsibilit y t hat t his pr oduct confor m s t o t he follow ing
st andar ds or ot her nor m at ive docum ent s:
EMC: EN 55022 ( 2006) Class A
EN 50024 ( 1998) + A1: 2001; + A2: 2003
Safet y: This pr oduct com plies w it h t he r equir em ent s of I EC 60950- 1, 2
Edit ion, 2005- 12
ROHS: 2002/ 95/ EC
LVD: 2006/ 95/ EC
W a r n in g!
This is a class A pr oduct . I n a dom est ic envir onm ent t his pr oduct m ay cause r adio int er ference
in w hich case t he user m ay be required t o t ak e adequat e m easur es.
Gost - R
GB4943- 2001, GB9254- 2008, GB17625.1- 2003
I - 4212e m odel:
The for egoing equipm ent has been regist ered under t he Clause 3, Art icle 58- 2 of Radio
Waves Act
Not e: This equipm ent has been t est ed and found t o com ply w it h t he lim it s for a Class B digit al device,
pur suant t o par t 15 of t he FCC Rules. These lim it s are designed t o pr ovide reasonable pr ot ect ion
against har m ful int er fer ence in a r esident ial inst allat ion. This equipm ent gener at es, uses and can
r adiat e r adio fr equency energy and, if not inst alled and used in accor dance w it h t he inst r uct ions, m ay
cause harm ful int er ference t o r adio com m unicat ions. How ev er , t here is no guar ant ee t hat int erference
w ill not occur in a par t icular inst allat ion. I f t his equipm ent does cause har m ful int er fer ence t o r adio or
t elevision r ecept ion, w hich can be det er m ined by t urning t he equipm ent off and on, t he user is
encour aged t o t r y t o cor r ect t he int erfer ence by one or m ore of t he follow ing m easures:
Reor ient or relocat e t he receiving ant enna.
I ncrease t he separ at ion bet w een t he equipm ent and receiver.
Connect t he equipm ent int o an out let on a cir cuit differ ent fr om t hat t o w hich t he r eceiver is
connect ed.
Consult t he dealer or an exper ienced r adio/ TV t echnician for help.
Summary of Contents for I-Class Mark II
Page 1: ...Operator s Manual ...
Page 2: ......
Page 8: ...Chapter 1 Getting Started 2 ...
Page 24: ...Chapter 2 Printer Setup 1 8 ...
Page 64: ...Chapter 4 Menu System 5 8 ...
Page 78: ...Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 7 2 ...
Page 82: ...Appendix A Specifications 7 6 ...
Page 90: ...Appendix B W ireless and W ired LAN Setup 8 4 ...
Page 96: ......