DM16E1 / DM4E1 Operation and Installation Manual - 204-4001-19
CT113: Uses CT113 as reference. CT114 corresponds to supplied CT113.
CT104 Controlled: Uses CT113 as reference. Also sets CT104 to be transmitted according to
CT113. In this configuration, CT114 is copied from CT113. This signal is useful in case of communication
with NewBridge
equipment operating as DCE.
CT115: Uses the regenerated clock from remote tributary.
CT113 unlooped to CT114: Uses CT113 as reference. In this configuration, CT114 copies the
regenerated clock (CT115).
CT128: Configures the clock to be used as reference for CT104.
Disable: In this configuration, the clock used in CT104 depends on the Clock configuration
described in the previous item of this chapter:
clock=CT113, 2048kHz E1 AIS Ref. Clock, CT115 or CT113 unlooped to CT114: In these cases,
the interface uses the regenerated clock from the remote unit (CT115) to sample CT104.
clock=CT104 Controlled: CT113 is also used to sample CT104.
Enable: Uses CT128 supplied by the DTE as reference to sample CT104.
Clock Phase: Allows inversion of clock phase chosen to sample CT103 (Inverted). This inversion
is useful for communication with routers or other equipment that generate very large data delays.
Rate (Nx64 kbit/s): Allows configuration of the number of channels used by the V.35. A G.704
framed E1 signal is transmitted to the aggregate with the number of timeslots selected, beginning with
timeslot 1. If 32 channels are selected, the operating mode will be transparent. For configurations with
other numbers of channels, Clock cannot be configured as 2048kHz E1 AIS Ref. Clock.
CT106, CT107 and CT109 control signals should be ignored in configurations that use the internal electric
E3 interface (in optic modem topologies using the router directed to V.35) or Bridge Ethernet. In such
cases, the signals may not correspond to the correct interface status.
5.7.2. Status
The screen below shows the V.35 status menu (/status/ports/V.35):
DataCom Telematica - DM16E1 Multiplexer
Port Status
Slot 4 - Port 01 - V.35 Interface
Operation :[ Active ]
Current Tests :[ None ]
CT105 :[ Forced On ]
CT108 :[ Forced On ]
CT109 :[ Off ]
CT113 :[ Ignored ]
CT128 :[ Ignored ]
<ENTER> Refresh <ESC> Exit
<PgUp> Pre[V]ious Card [N]ext Card <PgDn>
The V.35 interface has the following status options:
Operation: Indicates when the card is enabled (Active). When the V.35 is directed to the router,
Not Active is indicated.
Current Tests: Indicates the presence and type of any tests that are active in the card. Test types
include None, Running LDL, Running LAL, and Running BERT.
CT105, CT108 and CT109: