Status Mode: Displays the status of the adjustable frequency
drive or the motor.
If an alarm occurs, the NLCP automatically switches to status
A number of alarms can be displayed.
Parameter copy is not possible with LCP 101 Numerical Local
Control Panel.
Main Menu/ Quick Set-up is used for programming all
parameters or only the parameters in the quick menu (see
also description of the LCP 102 earlier in this chapter).
The parameter values can be changed using the [
] [
] keys
when the value is flashing.
Select Main Menu by pressing the [Menu] key a number of
Select the par. group [xx-__] and press [OK]
Select the parameter [__-xx] and press [OK]
If the parameter is an array parameter, select the array
number and press [OK]
Select the wanted data value and press [OK]
Parameters with functional choices display values such as [1],
[2], etc. For a description of the different choices, see the
individual description of the parameters in the
[Back] for stepping backwards
Arrow [
] [
] keys are used for navigating between
commands and within parameters.
M enu
S ta tus
Q uick
S etup
M ain
M enu
P 2-03
S etup 1
2.1.18 Local Control Keys
Keys for local control are found at the bottom of the LCP.
[Hand on] enables control of the adjustable frequency drive
via the LCP. [Hand on] also starts the motor and it is now
possible to enter the motor speed data by means of the
arrow keys. The key can be selected as Enable [1] og Disable
[0] via
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP
External stop signals activated by means of control signals or
a serial bus will override a 'start' command via the LCP.
The following control signals will still be active when [Hand
on] is activated:
How to Program
FC 300 Programming Guide
MG.33.MA.22 - VLT
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