Xtium-CL MX4 User's Manual
Xtium-CL MX4 Reference
Flat Field Correction: Theory of Operation
The following provides additional details on the Flat Field Correction and Flat Line Correction
(FFC/FLC) implementation.
Flat Field Correction Lists
The Xtium-CL MX4 supports defining more than one Flat Field Correction (FFC) / Flat Line
Correction (FLC) data sets. Using the Xfer parameter CORXFER_PRM_FLATFIELD_CYCLE_MODE,
the user can decide to cycle automatically through the list of FFC/FLC sets by setting the parameter
to CORXFER_VAL_FLATFIELD_CYCLE_MODE_AUTOMATIC, or select a specific FFC/FLC set from the
list by setting the parameter to CORXFER_VAL_FLATFIELD_CYCLE_MODE_OFF and selecting the
FFC/FLC index to use with the parameter CORACQ_PRM_FLAT_FIELD_SELECT.
While the cycling mode is set to off, users can upload new coefficients to an inactive FFC set even
when grabbing. When cycling automatically, the FFC/FLC sets are selected in a round-robin fashion,
changing at the beginning of every new frame.
The architecture of the Xtium-CL MX4 is such that the FFC/FLC data sets are independent of the
host buffers. In automatic mode, the FFC/FLC sets are chosen in a round-robin fashion as images
are acquired. So if using the Xfer cycling mode Synchrounous with Trash, it is recommended that
the number of host buffers be a multiple of the number of FFC/FLC in the list in order to maintain
the FFC/FLC relationship with the Host buffers.
When the FFC/FLC cycle mode automatic is active, reset the acquisition module to start on the
FFC/FLC data set of the selected list as follows:
Disconnect/Reconnect the transfer (assuming 1
buffer is empty).
Selecting a set using the CORACQ_PRM_FLAT_FIELD_SET_SELECT parameter will choose
the 1
FFC/FLC in the list of the selected set.
When the FFC/FLC cycle mode automatic is active, start the acquisition module to start on a
specific FFC/FLC of the selected list as follows:
While acquisition is stopped, by selecting an Xfer pair [ACQ, Buffer]. The index of the
FFC/FLC will be selected based on the modulo of the number of FFC/FLC in the list with
respect to the [ACQ, Buffer] index pair.