Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Appendix F
Revision History
Change Description
RoH S com p liant H S cam era p relim inary release
-H elp screen exam p les (gh) revised .
-EMC com p liance section u p d ated to reflect RoH S d esignation .
-H S-82-04k80 m od el of cam era ad d ed to m anu al. H S-82 sp ecifications ad d ed .
H S-82 sp ecific ad d itions m ad e to the stage select (stg), set binning vertical (sbv),
and set sync frequ ency (ssf) com m and d escrip tions.
-―Prelim inary‖ m arking rem oved .
-H S-80-04k40 m od el inform ation ad d ed .
-Line Rate for H S-80-04K40 m od el – 68kH z
-Up d ated DALSA logo to Teled yne DALSA logo
-8k m echanicals u p d ated show ing sensor alignm ent valu es m easu red from the
tooling holes.
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