Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Line Dropout, Bright Lines, or Incorrect Frame Rate
Verify that the frequ ency of the internal sync is set correctly, or w hen the cam era is set to
external sync that the EXSYN C signal su p p lied to the cam era d oes not exceed the
camera’s useable frame rate under the current operating conditions.
Noisy Output
Check you r p ow er su p p ly voltage ou tp u ts for noise. N oise p resent on these lines can
resu lt in p oor vid eo qu ality.
Dark Patches
If d ark p atches ap p ear in you r ou tp u t the op tics p ath m ay have becom e contam inated .
Clean you r lenses and sensor w ind ow s w ith extrem e care.
Take stand ard ESD p recau tions.
Wear latex gloves or finger cots
Blow off d u st u sing a filtered blow bottle or d ry, filtered com p ressed air.
Fold a p iece of op tical lens cleaning tissu e (ap p rox. 3" x 5") to m ake a squ are p ad that
is ap p roxim ately one finger-w id th
Moisten the p ad on one ed ge w ith 2-3 d rop s of clean solvent—either alcohol or
acetone. Do not satu rate the entire p ad w ith solvent.
Wip e across the length of the w ind ow in one d irection w ith the m oistened end first,
follow ed by the rest of the p ad . The d ry p art of the p ad shou ld follow the m oistened
end . The goal is to p revent solvent from evap orating from the w ind ow su rface, as this
w ill end u p leaving resid u e and streaking behind .
Rep eat step s 2-4 u sing a clean tissu e u ntil the entire w ind ow has been cleaned .
Blow off any ad hering fibers or p articles u sing d ry, filtered com p ressed air.
Stuck Bits
If d ata bits seem to be stu ck or d o not change, check that the cam era is not satu rated by
p reventing light from entering. To verify the d ata p ath integrity, check the levels of the 2
test p attern p ixels (first 2 p ixels follow ing the last End -of-line p ixel. You m ay need to tu rn
the End -of-line sequ ence ―on‖ by send ing the com m and
els 1
). Any d eviation from a
consistent valu e of these p ixels (170DN / 85DN ) cou ld be an ind ication of the follow ing:
shorted bits
stu ck bits
d igital noise p icku p on the I/ O cable
op en connection.
To activate the test p attern, u se the com m and
svm 1
. Use the test p attern to verify the
p rop er tim ing and connections betw een the cam era and fram e grabber.
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