Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Software Interface: How
to Control the Camera
All Piranha H S-xx cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the serial interface. The
cam era can also be u sed w ithou t the serial interface after it has been set u p correctly.
Fu nctions available inclu d e:
Controlling basic cam era fu nctions su ch as gain and sync signal sou rce .
Flat field correction .
Mirroring and read ou t control.
Generating a test p attern for d ebu gging.
The serial interface u ses a sim p le ASCII-based p rotocol and the PC d oes not requ ire any
cu stom softw are.
This com m and set has changes from p reviou s Teled yne DALSA cam eras. Do not
assu m e that the Piranha H S com m and s p erform sim ilarly to old er cam eras.
Serial Protocol Defaults
8 d ata bits
1 stop bit
N o p arity
N o flow control
9.6kbp s
Cam era d oes not echo characters
Command Format
This chapter outlines the
more commonly used
commands. See section
Commands for a list of all
available commands.
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