Piranha HS-xx RoHS User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
colu m n start nu m ber in a range from
to colu m n resolu tion.
Row end nu m ber. Mu st be greater than or equ al to the row
start nu m ber in a range from
to nu m ber of stages excep t in
TDI Mod e w here
m u st be
N otes:
If you are u sing binning, the start p ixel is rou nd ed d ow n to
the beginning of binned area and end p ixel is rou nd ed u p to
the end of the binned area.
In Area Mod e, the roi m u st be w ithin the stage. If the
requ ested roi is above the stage, the roi row s w ill be clip p ed .
The start and end row s w ill be clip p ed to the stage selection
if necessary. A ―clip p ed to m ax‖ w arning m essage is
retu rned .
Related Com m and s
Exam p le:
roi 10 1 50 1
(TDI Mod e)
4.5.2 Analog and Digital Signal Processing Chain
Processing Chain Overview and Description
The following diagram shows a simplified block diagram of the camera’s analog and
d igital p rocessing chain. The analog p rocessing chain begins w ith an analog gain
ad ju stm ent, follow ed by an analog offset ad ju stm ent. These ad ju stm ents are ap p lied to
the vid eo analog signal p rior to its d igitization by an A/ D converter.
The d igital p rocessing chain contains the FPN correction, the PRN U correction, the
backgrou nd su btract, and the d igital gain and offset. All of these elem ents are u ser
p rogram m able.
FPN and PRN U correction is not available w hen op erating the cam era in Area Mod e.
For d etails on how to sw itch cam era op eration m od es, refer to section 4.5.1 .
The follow ing u ser settings are stored sep arately for forw ard and reverse d irection;
analog gain, analog offset, d igital gain, d igital offset, and backgrou nd su btract. They
are saved u sing the
com m and .
FPN and PRN U coefficients are stored sep arately for forw ard and reverse d irection.
To save the cu rrent PRN U coefficients, u se the com m and
. To save the cu rrent
FPN coefficients, u se the com m and
. Settings are saved for the cu rrent d irection
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