CHECKing BrAKE AnD ClutCH pEDAlS (H) ..................7-15
CHECKing CoolAnt lEVEl (f) .........................................7-13
CHECKing EnginE oil lEVEl (E) ......................................7-12
CHECKing fuEl linES (u) ..................................................7-26
CHECKing gAugES, MEtEr AnD inDiCAtorS (i) ........7-15
CHECKing HEAD ligHt, HAzArD ligHt EtC. (j) ...........7-15
CHECKing intAKE Air linE (x) ..........................................7-30
CHECKing rADiAtor HoSE AnD ClAMp (z) ...................7-30
CHECKing SEAt BElt AnD ropS (K) ................................7-15
CHECKing trAnSMiSSion fluiD lEVEl (D) ................... 7-11
CHECKing wArning lAMpS ................................................5-6
CHECKing wHEEl Bolt/nut torquE (q) ......................7-23
ClEAning AnD rEplACing Air ClEAnEr filtEr (t) ...7-25
ClEAning rADiAtor grill AnD SCrEEn (g) ................7-14
ClEAning tHE trACtor ....................................................1-26
ClutCH pEDAl ......................................................................4-29
CoMBinAtion SwitCH ..........................................................4-8
CoMponEntS for ADDitionAl front wEigHt ..........4-60
ConnECting AnD DiSConnECting iMplEMEnt .........5-26
ControlS ..............................................................................4-25
Cup HolDEr AnD StorAgE ..............................................4-46
CuSHion StrEngtH ADjuStMEnt .................................4-34
DAilY CHECK itEM ..................................................................7-3
DAilY StorAgE .......................................................................8-2
DECAl Mounting loCAtion .............................................1-27
DEfoggEr SwitCH (if EquippED) ..................................4-47
DEfroSt .................................................................................4-51
DESCription .........................................................................1-29
DiffErEntiAl loCK pEDAl ................................................4-33
DirECtion for StorAgE .................................................7-29
DiSMounting tHE iMplEMEnt...........................................6-6
DouBlE ACting lEVEr .......................................................4-37
DouBlE ACting lEVEr (if EquippED) ............................5-24
Dpf rEgEnErAtion SwitCH ............................................4-12
Dpf rEgEnErAtion unDErwAY lAMp (CK3510/
CK4010 onlY) .....................................................................4-18
Dpf rEgEnErAtion wArning lAMp ..............................4-18
Dpf rEgEnErAtion wArning lAMp (CK3510/CK4010
onlY) ....................................................................................4-17
DrAining wAtEr froM ClutCH HouSing (Al) ...........7-40
DrAw BAr AnD trAilEr .......................................................6-7
DriVing on SlopE ...............................................................5-17
DriVing on SlopE ...............................................................6-14
DriVing SpEED tABlE .........................................................3-12
TC220-영문-수출향(법인향)-OM-10.indd 3
2020-02-13 오후 3:10:38
Summary of Contents for CK2610CHSE
Page 12: ...TC220 OM 00 indd 12 2020 02 20 2 51 53...
Page 40: ...1 28 CK3510 H C CH SE CK4010 H C CH SE T22O102D TC220 BOBCAT OM 01 indd 28 2020 02 20 2 49 15...
Page 41: ...1 29 For safe operation 1 t22o103B ROPS TC220 BOBCAT OM 01 indd 29 2020 02 20 2 49 16...
Page 42: ...1 30 CK3510 H C CH SE CK4010 H C CH SE T22O104a TC220 BOBCAT OM 01 indd 30 2020 02 20 2 49 16...
Page 52: ...MEMO MEMO TC220 OM 02 indd 6 2020 12 10 10 44 12...
Page 68: ...MEMO MEMO TC220 OM 03 indd 16 2020 01 23 9 13 03...
Page 130: ...MEMO MEMO TC220 OM 04 indd 62 2020 12 10 10 45 59...
Page 158: ...MEMO mEmO TC220 OM 05 indd 28 2020 01 23 9 15 43...
Page 237: ...10 10 INDEX INDEX 10 2 TC220 OM 10 indd 1 2020 02 13 3 10 38...