DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Sw itch
MAC Address
Displays the MAC address of the client that is present when configured in mac based mode.
It displays “-p” when configured in port based mode.
The Authenticator State value can be: Authenticated, Authenticating, or blocked.
Displays the assigned VLAN ID. If a port/host is authenticated and the authorization Network
is enabled, the assigned VLAN is determined by the VLAN assigned from RADIUS server. If
there is no target VLAN information or invalid VLAN information embedded in RADIUS
message it will be ignored.
Assigned Priority
Displays the assigned priority. If a port is authenticated and the authorization is enabled, the
802.1p default priority can be controlled by the RADIUS server via the passing value. The
value of 802.1p comes from when the RADIUS server overwrites the locally configured ports.
If the assigned priority is not valid (less than 0 or greater than 7) it will be ignored. In this
case, the switch still adopts the local setting. The default priority is used to classify the
priority for untagged packets. The 802.1p priority is on per port basis.
However, for host-based authentication mode, the assigned 802.1p will be assigned for each
host (MAC).
Authenticator Statistics
This table contains the statistics objects for the Authenticator PAE associated with each port. An entry appears in this table for
each port that supports the Authenticator function. Enter the ports you wish to view and click
To view the Authenticator Statistics, click
Monitoring > Port Access Control > Authenticator Statistics
, as shown below.
Figure 7 - 25 Authenticator Statistics window
Authenticator Session Statistics
This table contains the session statistics objects for the Authenticator PAE associated with each port. An entry appears in this table
for each port that supports the Authenticator function. Enter the ports you wish to view and click
To view this window, click
Monitoring > Port Access Control > Authenticator Session Statistics
, as shown below.
Figure 7 - 26 Authenticator Session Statistics window