DGS-3200 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
6-8 create snmp community
Use an SNMP community string to define the relationship between the SNMP manager and the agent.
The community string acts like a password to permit access to the agent on the switch. You can specify
one or more of the following characteristics associated with the string:
An access list of IP addresses of the SNMP managers that are permitted to use the community string to
gain access to the agent.
A MIB view, which defines the subset of all MIB objects accessible to the given community.
Read and write or read-only permission for the MIB objects accessible to the community.
create snmp community <community_string 32> view <view_name 32> [read_only|read_write]
create snmp community
command creates an SNMP community string.
Communtiy string. Max string length is 32.
View name. A MIB view. Max length is 32
[read_only |
Read and write or read-only permission.
You must have administrator privileges.
D G S - 3 2 0 0 - 1 0 : 4 # c r e a t e s n m p c o m m u n i t y d l i n k v i e w C o m m u n i t y V i e w r e a d _ w r i t e
C o m m a n d : c r e a t e s n m p c o m m u n i t y d l i n k v i e w C o m m u n i t y V i e w r e a d _ w r i t e
S u c c e s s .
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