DGS-3200 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Managed Switch CLI Manual
be sent to the first server host in the built-in server group. If the first server host in the
group is missing, the authentication request will be sent to the second server host in the group,
and so on. If all server hosts in the group are missing, the authentication request will be sent to
the first server host in the TACACS group. If all server hosts in the TACACS group are missing, the local
enable password in the device is used to authenticate this user’s password. The local enable password in
the device can be configured by the CLI command “config admin local_password”.
The default method list of authentication methods.
<string 15>
The user-defined method list of authentication methods.
Authentication by the built-in server group “
Authentication by the built-in server group “
Authentication by the built-in server group “
Authentication by the built-in server group “
server_group <string
Authentication by the user-defined server group.
Authentication by local enable password in device.
No authentication.
You must have administrator privilege.
To configure a user-defined method list for promoting a user's privilege to Admin level:
D G S - 3 2 0 0 - 1 0 : 4 # c o n f i g a u t h e n _ e n a b l e m e t h o d _ l i s t _ n a m e e n a b l e _ l i s t _ 1 m e t h o d t a c a c s +
t a c
a c s l o c a l _ e n a b l e
C o m m a n d : c o n f i g a u t h e n _ e n a b l e m e t h o d _ l i s t _ n a m e e n a b l e _ l i s t _ 1 m e t h o d t a c a c s + t a c a c
s l o c a l _ e n a b l e
S u c c e s s .
D G S - 3 2 0 0 - 1 0 : 4 #