cPRP System
Operator’s Manual
Programability Option
1. Protocol buttons
2. Protocol Parameters
3. Protocol pull-down button
4. Close button
5. Up arrow button
6. Down arrow button
7. Info button
• Up and Down arrow buttons
• A row of buttons for manipulating the protocol name (copy, delete, rename),
undoing changes, redoing changes, and getting contextual information
(see Figure 4-3)
Copy Button
Touching the copy button will duplicate the current protocol. This is the
only way to create a new protocol. The newly created protocol will have
a number prefixed to its name. Touch the Rename button to rename the copy of
a protocol.
Rename Button
Touching the rename button will display a keyboard on the touch screen
display. Please refer to the illustration in Figure 4-2. Type in the name
you wish the protocol to have, and then touch “Enter” to save and return to the
“Protocols” tab.
Delete Button
Touching the delete button deletes the current protocol. Once deleted it
will no longer be available from the Protocol pull-down button.
1. Protocol Buttons
Figure 4-3 “Protocols” tab of the Menu Screen