cPRP System
Operator’s Manual
The following section offers a detailed description of the user interface, focusing
on the screens encountered during normal use.
Touch Screen User Interface
Start Screen
Once the Angel
Concentrated Platelet Rich Plasma (cPRP) System has
completely loaded, the Start Screen is displayed on the Angel’ cPRP System’s
touch screen display. The Start Screen is used to select the whole blood
or mixture of blood and bone marrow volume to process and to begin each
processing cycle (see Figure 3-10).
1. Start Button
The Start button will begin the blood separation processing cycle.
Before touching the Start button, set the desired volume of whole
blood or mixture of blood and bone marrow to process using the Up
Arrow button and Down Arrow button.
2. Processing Time
The “mm:ss” formatted time displayed underneath the analog clock
icon indicates the amount of processing time required before PRP
will be collected once the processing cycle begins. The time is based
on the amount of whole blood or mixture of blood and bone marrow
volume selected for processing (using the Up Arrow button and Down Arrow
button). As the Up Arrow button and Down Arrow button are touched, the
processing time will interactively change to reflect the newly selected volumes.
In all screens other than the Start Screen, the processing time displays and counts
down the amount of time remaining in the current cycle before PRP is collected.
Angel Operator’s Manual
Touch Screen User Interface
The following section offers a detailed description of the user interface, focusing
on the screens encountered during normal use.
Start Screen
Once the Angel Whole Blood Separation System has completely loaded, the Start
Screen is displayed on the
’s touch screen display. The Start Screen is used
to select the whole blood volume to process and to begin each processing cycle
(see Figure 3-10).
Figure 3-10 Start Screen
1. Start Button
The Start button will begin the blood separation processing cycle.
Before touching the Start button, set the desired volume of whole blood
to process using the Up Arrow button and Down Arrow button.
1 Start button
6 Up Arrow button
2 Processing Time
7 Down Arrow button
3 Cycle Enumerator
8 Menu button
4 Alarm Area
9 Info button
5 Protocol pull-down button
1. Start button
2. Processing Time
3. Cycle Enumerator
4. Alarm Area
5. Protocol pull-down button
6. Up Arrow button
7. Down Arrow button
8. Menu button
9. Info button
Figure 3-10 Start Screen