cPRP System
Operator’s Manual
During the collection of the blood components, the volumes displayed and the
process time displayed may be adjusted by the machine software to reflect more
accurate values.
Once separation is complete, and all components are collected, the End of Cycle
Screen is displayed on the Angel
cPRP System’s touch screen display (see
Figure 3-4).
For a detailed explanation of
the Run Screen, read “Run
Screen” on page 3-13.
Figure 3-3 Run Screen
Note: If, for any reason, you need to stop a cycle before the separation process
is complete, please refer to “Stop Button” on page 3-24.
If desired, after each processing cycle, the PRP may be diluted to increase total
volume by drawing back the PRP syringe plunger. This will draw PPP from the PPP
Compartment of the three-compartment reservoir bag into the PRP syringe.
At the end of the case, the RBC Compartment of the three-compartment reservoir
bag will contain concentrated red blood cells, while the PPP Compartment of the
three-compartment reservoir bag will contain platelet poor plasma.
Note: Prior to processing more than one cycle of blood or mixture of blood and
bone marrow, agitate the Whole Blood Compartment of the reservoir bag. Agitation
of the Whole Blood Compartment will mix the remaining blood, providing a more
uniform collection of blood components.
For a detailed explanation
of the End of Cycle Screen,
read “End of Cycle Screen” on
page 3-15.
Figure 3-4 End of Cycle Screen