Troubleshooting Guide
Culligan Aquasential Select Plus & Select Series Iron-OX5 & Sulfur-OX3 Water Filters 01040683
Water is
to drain
A. Control
valve is stuck in
reconditioning cycle.
1. Electrical service to control(s) has
been interrupted.
1. Assure continuous electrical service is
available. (check plug, breaker, fuse, etc.)
2. Faulty circuit board.
2. Replace circuit board..
3. Faulty drive motor.
3. Replace drive motor.
4. Foreign material lodged in
4. Disassemble and clean control
valve, replace seals, spacers and
piston assemblies.
Blue green
A. Corrosive water
condition in copper
distribution piping
1. Low pH condition of the raw
water supply.
1. A Cullneu® filter may be required
to elevate the pH - consult factory.
2. In rare occasions, highly
aerated water in combination with
a specific water supply can create
a slightly corrosive condition.
2. Install a polyphosphate cartridge
filter after the Iron-OX5 and Sulfur-OX3
Filter System to protect the distribution
Periodic Sanitization Procedure
If the system develops off tastes and odors and requires sanitization follow the procedure below to educt
3 ounces of a 6% household bleach solution into the system.
Bypass the system and relieve water pressure by manually cycling the system into the backwash cycle.
When flow to drain has stopped and it is certain the system is no longer under pressure remove the air line,
air line check valve and line strainer.
Temporarily replace the air line assembly with an 18” length of 3/8” tubing.
Manually cycle the unit to the air draw cycle and slowly open the bypass valve to allow water into the filter system.
When line suction is present through the 3/8” tubing immerse the tubing in the chlorine solution to allow the system to
educt the chlorine into the filter tank.
Once the chlorine solution has been drawn into the system remove the temporary length of 3/8” tubing.
Replace the air line assembly components and allow the system to complete the air draw and rinse cycles.
Check the air line components for leaks after reassembly by inspecting the components during the rinse cycle when
the system repressurizes.