QuickMedia™ Receiver/Processor
Crestron Toolbox – “Address Book” Window
The PC communication settings specified in the address book should
match the protocol that the QM-RMCRX-BA expects. The settings are
as follows:
Port = COM 1 through COM 8. Select the correct COM port
on the PC.
Baud rate = 115200.
Parity = None.
Number of data bits = 8.
Number of stop bits = 1.
Hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS) enabled.
Software handshaking (XON/XOFF) not enabled.
2. After setting the correct parameters, click
to return to the Crestron
Toolbox main window.
3. Select
Tools | System Info
. If the connection is successful, the window
displays the Net ID and serial connection parameters in the
area of the
System Info
5. To enter the console mode, click the console mode icon
The COM B LED should be flashing.
Operations Guide – DOC. 6332
QuickMedia™ Receiver/Processor: QM-RMCRX-BA