QuickMedia™ Receiver/Processor
Ground Wire Connections
Proper grounding is required. Connect the ground from the QM peripheral (in
this example a QM-WMC) to earth ground. Connect the Cresnet shield lead at
the QM-RMCRX-BA control processor to the ground lead. The control
processor chassis must also be connected to an earth ground (building steel).
Refer to the following grounding diagram.
Grounding Diagram
Power Supply
The QM-RMCRX-BA can be powered through the NET network connector
(Cresnet), or by the external PW-2420 power pack (50W) included
but not by
both methods
. Use the provided external power pack to provide power to
peripheral Cresnet devices (via the Cresnet connector).
If additional power is needed, Crestron recommends its CNPWS-75 (75 watts)
external power supply.
Use only Crestron power supplies for Crestron equipment. Failure
to do so could cause equipment damage or void the warranty.
Use care in wiring installations to avoid applying 24 VDC power to
Cresnet wiring from an external power pack as well as from a system device that
contains its own power supply. Although this condition should not cause any
damage, Crestron does not recommend it.
In larger system configurations that require more power than supplied
by Cresnet, disconnect the +24 VDC wire from the QM-RMCRX-BA Cresnet
connector and provide the +24 VDC power to the peripheral devices by an
alternate Crestron power source.
Crestron Toolbox
The Crestron Toolbox (replacement for Crestron Viewport, you may continue to
use Viewport if desired) is a broad-based software package that accomplishes
multiple system tasks, primarily using an RS-232 or TCP/IP connection between
a PC and one or more Crestron control systems.
You can use the Crestron Toolbox to:
Observe system processes.
Upload operating systems and firmware.
Upload programs and touchpanel projects.
Set or change device Network IDs.
Operations Guide – DOC. 6332
QuickMedia™ Receiver/Processor: QM-RMCRX-BA