Fault status indicates that the Ka-Band TWTA ODU is in the Fault state. The
MPA ODU features Auto Fault Recycle capabilities and is capable under some
circumstances of cycling back to a normal operating state.
During normal operation, the relay is energized. (There is continuity
between the “NO” and “COM” contacts.) The relay will de-energize when a
fault occurs.
The Low RF status indicates that the Ka-Band TWTA ODU’s RF output is
below the Low RF Alarm level or that the MPA ODU is in the Fault state. A
waveguide switch can use this information to trigger automated switching
action. The Low RF status has two modes, Flexible and Rigid.
In Rigid mode the Low RF status will indicate that the Ka-Band TWTA ODU’s
RF output is below the Low RF Alarm level any time this condition occurs,
except during an RF Switch port RF Inhibit command. The Rigid mode can be
thought of as the strictest operation of the Low RF status.
In Flexible mode the Low RF status will indicate that the Ka-Band TWTA
ODU’s RF output is below the Low RF Alarm level any time this condition
during the Transmit state
, except during an RF Inhibit*. (The Low RF
status will not assert during a Fault state.) The Flexible mode allows the user
to operate a switch controller in Automated Switching mode without
triggering waveguide switch action while operating the Ka-Band TWTA ODU
in any normal operating state or issuing RF Inhibit commands.
*If RF Inhibit is activated while the Low RF Relay indicates a low RF
condition, the Low RF Relay will not change state. (It will continue to indicate
Low RF.) Once the RF Inhibit disappears, the Low RF Relay will report
existing conditions.
During normal operation, the relay is energized. (There is continuity
between the “NO” and “COM” contacts.) The relay will de-energize when a
fault occurs.
The Sum Fault status indicates that the Ka-Band TWTA ODU is latched into
the Fault state. When the Ka-Band TWTA ODU is latched into the Fault state,
the user must clear the fault source and issue a Reset command to return it to
a normal operating condition.
During normal operation, the relay is energized. (There is continuity
between the “NO” and “COM” contacts.) The relay will de-energize when a
fault occurs.
Transmit indicates that the Beam is turned on and the RF is not inhibited.
This is the normal operating state of the amplifier.
that the amplifier will cease transmitting (and the Transmit indication
will be negated) when any of the interlock circuits (External Latching I/L,
External Non-Latching I/L, or RF Inhibit) opens.
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