13.1.6 Sleep
A SCADAPack 350 Controller is capable of extremely low power operation when in sleep mode.
The controller enters the sleep mode under control of the application program. During sleep mode
the following happen:
All programs stop executing.
The 5V power to most of the circuit of the controller is switched off.
The 5V power to the I/O bus is switched off.
The three counter inputs on the controller board continue to function.
The real-time clock and alarm continue to function.
VLOOP will be turned off.
While in Sleep Mode, the processor uses a very slow speed clock.
The SCADAPack 350 Controller wakes up from sleep mode under the following conditions:
Hardware RESET caused by power removed and applied to the controller.
The LED POWER push-button is pressed.
A real time clock alarm, defined by application program, occurs.
Any of the controller board counters rolls over. This occurs every 65536 pulses on each input.
Assertion of Digital Input 0.
The COM3 Test1 to Test2 pins are connected together, indicating the SCADAPack Vision is to
be turned on. This can only occur if COM3 is configured to operate with SCADAPack Vision
operator interface.
Reduced Power Mode
A SCADAPack 350 Controller is capable of lower power operation when in Reduced Power Mode.
The controller enters this mode under control of the application program. During in Reduced Power
Mode the following happens:
The CPU runs at 8MHz.
The Power Mode LED blinks once a second to indicate this mode.
A SCADAPack 350 Controller exits from Reduced Power Mode under the following conditions:
The user must change the corresponding register associated with the CNFG Power Mode register
assignment in TelePACE applications. Refer to the TelePACE manual for more information on
the CNFG Power Mode register assignment.
For ISaGRAF applications, two functions can be used to change / check the power mode:
to set desired power mode
to request present power mode
Refer to the ISaGRAF manual for more information on these functions.
For C applications, the user must call the SetPowerMode and GetPowerMode functions. Refer to
the SCADAPack 350 C Tools manual.
SCADAPack 350 Hardware Manual
February 14, 2007