COM3 RS-232 Serial Port
The following table shows the serial and protocol communication parameters supported by COM3.
These parameters are set from TelePACE, ISaGRAF Workbench or from an application program
running in the SCADAPack 350 controller. Default values are set when a Cold Boot or Service Boot
is performed on the SCADAPack 350 controller.
Supported Values
Baud Rate
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200
Default: 9600
Default: Half
Odd, None or Even
Default: None
Data Bits
7 or 8 Bits
Default: 8 Bits
Stop Bits
1 or 2 Bits
Default: 1 Bit
Receive Flow Control
ModbusRTU or None
Default: ModbusRTU
Transmit Flow Control
Ignore CTS or None
Default: None
1 to 65534
Default: 1
None, Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, DF1 and DNP
Default: Modbus RTU
Addressing Mode
Standard or Extended
Default: Standard
Connections to COM3 are made through a RJ-45 modular connector. COM3 supports six signals
plus Ground and 5V power. The SCADAPack 350 COM3 is designed to be able to operate with the
SCADAPack Vision operator interface and has several special features noted below. Two of the
signals (DTR and DCD) are shared with the test signals used to detect the ON switch closure on the
Vision interface, in a manner similar to the SCADAPack LP. In order to use the signals as DTR,
DCD jumpers J15, J16 must have their jumper links installed in position “Normal”. To use the
COM3 port with a Vision interface, jumpers J15, J16 must have their jumper links installed in
position “Vision”. Refer to
Figure 2: SCADAPack 350 Board
Layout for the location of these
For proper operation, jumper links of J15, J16 must always be installed both in
the same position, either “Vision” or “Normal”
The following diagram shows the pin connections for the RS-232 (RJ-45) port connector for COM3.
SCADAPack 350 Hardware Manual
February 14, 2007