13 Operation
13.1 Operating
A SCADAPack 350 may start up in RUN, SERVICE, COLD BOOT, FACTORY BOOT, or
Start up in the RUN mode automatically executes Ladder Logic and C/C++ programs in the
controller memory.
Start up in the SERVICE mode stops the programs to allow reprogramming and controller
Start up in the COLD BOOT mode initializes the controller and erases all programs.
Start up in FACTORY boot reformats the Flash file system, initializes the controller and erases
all programs.
REENTRY boot is performed as part of the firmware download process.
Each boot mode is determined by the amount of time that the LED power switch is depressed when
power is applied or a board reset occurs.
The boot mode is not performed until the LED power switch is released. As such power can be
removed prior to releasing the LED power switch without performing the selected boot mode.
The following sections describe in detail the selection of each operating mode.
13.1.1 Run
The RUN mode is the normal operating mode of the controller. No action is required to select RUN
mode. When power is applied to the controller board:
The user defined serial communication parameters, for all COM ports are used.
If a TelePACE Ladder Logic or ISaGRAF application program is loaded in RAM, it is executed.
If a TelePACE or ISaGRAF C application program is loaded in RAM and the program checksum
is correct, it is executed.
If there is no application program in RAM and there is an application program in flash ROM
then the flash ROM program will be executed.
The controller lock settings and password are used.
13.1.2 Service
SERVICE mode is used during application programming and maintenance work. When a
SCADAPack 350 controller starts in SERVICE mode:
The default serial communication parameters are used (see section
for a description of the default parameters).
The TelePACE Ladder Logic or ISaGRAF program is stopped.
The C program is stopped.
All programs are retained in non-volatile memory.
The controller lock settings and password are used.
SERVICE mode is selected by performing a SERVICE BOOT using the following procedure:
SCADAPack 350 Hardware Manual
February 14, 2007