PLC Communication Settings
M2M Gateway PLC Communication Settings
Serial Communication
Check the following items.
- Is the communication port correct?
- RS-422/485 port (COM A) : /dev/com00, RS-232C port (COM B) : /dev/com01
- Is Transmit LED (TX LED) on the CONPROSYS flashing?
- If not flashing, the send processing is not completed. Check the settings of the CONPROSYS.
Confirm the settings again and reboot the CONPROSYS.
- Is Receive LED (such as RX and RD) on the partner device flashing?
- If not flashing, check the cabling or the connectivity.
- Is Receive LED (RX LED) on the CONPROSYS flashing?
- If not flashing, check the cabling.
- Transmit LED (TX LED) and Receive LED (RX LED) on the CONPROSYS are periodically flashing.
- The communication is successful, however, an error code might be returned.
(The connectivity has no problems.)
Check the display address, communication settings, station numbers (unit number, station number),
and similar.
Transmit / Receive LEDs on the CONPROSYS controller
- Do the PLC settings, communication protocol, and the CONPROSYS settings match?
Check communication settings, station numbers (unit number, station number), and similar.
Other items to check
Is this communication port not used on the "CONPROSYS VTC"?