PLC Communication Settings
M2M Gateway PLC Communication Settings
Start / End addresses are specified in decimal. According to the data types, specify addresses as
listed below.
When specifying bits for the data types
: 00 - 15
Channel : 0 – 9999
An example.) When specifying 1000 - 1009 for Start / End addresses, PLC addresses
are channel 10 bit 00 - channel 10 bit 09.
In the setting example, it corresponds to Device configuration 2 : W1000 to W1009.
The following bits are specified on the PLC memory screen of CX-Programmer.
*Notice : When specifying bits for the data types, 1 bit in PLC occupies 1 address (1 word) in
Modbus address.
Bits are ON - 0001h in Modbus address
Bits are OFF - 0000h in Modbus address