The screen creates a traffic class rule to classify the upstream traffic, assign
queuing priority and optionally overwrite the IP header TOS byte. A rule consists
of a class name and at least one condition below. All of the specified conditions in
this classification rule must be satisfied for the rule to take effect. Click
'Save/Apply' to save and activate the rule.
Traffic Class Name
Enter name for traffic class
Assign ATM Transmit Priority
Select Low, Medium or High.
Mark IP Precedence
Select between 0-7. The lower the digit shows
the higher the priority
If non-blank value is selected for 'Mark IP
Precedence' and/or 'Mark IP Type Of Service',
the corresponding TOS byte in the IP header of
the upstream packet is overwritten by the
selected value.
If Differentiated Service Configuration
checkbox is selected, you will only need to
assign ATM priority. IP Precedence will not be
used for classification. IP TOS byte will be used
for DSCP mark.
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