Comtech EF Data / Stampede
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.2.2
Chapter: FX Series Optimization Settings
Section: Application Policies Overview
having a policy that is either “*” or empty. If the FX Series does not find a match for the server then it will
look for this default server.
The case-insensitive application name for this policy can be a partial name. For example, if “abc” is
specified, then this policy will apply to a URL containing “abc/def”. When the FX Series ADC matches a
URL against its application policies it will apply the most specific match that it encounters. If “abc/def” is
specified in addition to “abc”, then this policy will be used for a URL containing “abc/def/ghi”.
Additionally, the application name of the policy can be “*” or empty. This is the default
application policy for this server. If no other match is found then this policy will be used. It is
possible to configure both a default server and a default application. This becomes the default
policy that is used when no server and application names match.
Authorization realm
This is a pull-down selector that enables you to limit the scope of this policy to a specific previously
defined authorization realm. Authorization realms (see Section 7.1.4 above) allow users to be grouped
based on source IP address or in-path interface.
Up to 80 characters of text can be entered to help document your configuration.
Enable Acceleration
Acceleration can be turned on or off.
When Enable Acceleration is “Yes”, the FX Series ADC will perform the acceleration techniques
that are enabled in this policy.
When Enable Acceleration is “No”, then, no acceleration techniques will be applied for
applications specified by this policy.
When a FX Series Remote is used and “Enable Acceleration is set to “No”, then the FX Series
Remote will pass the HTTP requests directly to the application server and bypass the FX Series
ADC. The default value is “No”.
The Comment field should be used to briefly document the configuration.
Allow Access
Access for an individual policy can be set to “Yes” to allow access for the URL associated with this
policy. If se to “No”, then the ADC will return an HTTP error code 403 if an attempt is made to
access the URL associated with this policy. The default is “Yes”
Cache Data at ADC
This setting specifies if requested HTTP objects should be cached on the FX Series ADC. The “Guaranteed
object freshness time” also applies to these cached objects. The default is to cache the HTTP objects
Cache Data at Remote
This setting specifies if requested HTTP objects should be cached on the FX Series Remotes (REM). The
default is to cache the HTTP objects (“Yes”).
Enable Cache Differencing:
The ADC will cache dynamic HTTP content when a FX Remote is deployed. On subsequent accesses to the
same content, the ADC will send the changes rather than the entire updated content and the FX Remote
will apply the changes to its cache before delivering the object to the browser. The default is to enable
cache differencing (“Yes”).