Comtech EF Data / Stampede
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.2.2
Chapter: FX Series Optimization Settings
Section: How to Configure Basic Web Application Policies
To restrict all acceleration except for specific sites for
certain user groups
Set a * application policy with acceleration disabled in the policy for the default
authorization realm.
Set an application policies for the specific sites with acceleration enabled in the policy
for a specific authorization realms
How to Set Specific Optimization Techniques
Each of these options can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the preferred choice. The inherited
default for all acceleration options is “Yes” for enabled except the reduced window scaling option. All of
the detail descriptions for each item are provided in Section 7.1
Figure 7-4 FX Series Specific Optimization Edit Screen
Most application policies use the inherited settings. Changes for specific content types or specific
JPEG quality/bandwidth requirements other than the inherited values can be made as noted below:
For the following content types
The default value for this field is “image/*, text/css, application/x-javascript, application/x-shockwave-
flash, text/javascript”. Additional items can be added to this line and placing all items in the field.
JPEG Quality
The default is 50. The range of the field is 1 – 100. A higher number will retain a higher quality but
will not conserve as much bandwidth.
JPEG Smoothing
The default is 20. The range of the field is 1 – 100. A higher value produces a less desirable image.