Comtech EF Data / Stampede
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.2.2
Chapter: FX Series Configuration
Section: Traffic Interface Settings
Remote GRE tunnel address:
This is the address of the router which will send the redirected traffic to the FX Series ADC in a GRE tunnel.
If this field is not set then the FX will attempt to dynamically learn the address by examining the WCCP
packets from the router. This field is not needed if L2 redirection is specified.
This specifies if this WCCP definition should be processed. The default value is enabled
If set, and “Use additional service group” is disabled, then this service group is considered critical. Non-
critical service groups will not attempt to negotiate WCCP with the router unless all critical members have
seen their IP address in the assignment map or hash allotment and are in a usable state.
Redirect method:
This specifies the method in which the router or switch will direct packets to the FX. The choices are
“GRE” (Generic Routing Encapsulation) or “L2” which means that the router will simply modify the MAC
destination address to point to the FX. The default is “GRE”.
Return method:
Although the FX never returns redirected packets to the router, it may be necessary to set this to “GRE”
even though “L2” was specified as the redirect method in order to successfully negotiate WCCP.
Assignment scheme:
This specifies how the router or switch will decide which FX to direct the packets. In general, this should
be set to “Mask” for switches and “Hash” for router. The default setting is “Hash”
If WCCP packet signing is required then this password must match the setting of the WCCP router. The
default is no password.
Service group number:
This is the WCCP service group that the FX should join. The default value is 96.
Redirect based on:
If “source” then the router will redirect responses from the content server to this member, otherwise the
router will redirect client requests that otherwise would have been directed to the content server.
Service groups are defined at the router. The default is the “Destination”.
Accept traffic for:
This radio button allows you to control if only specific ports or all ports should be redirected to the FX
Series FX. If “Specific Ports” selected then these are specified in the “Ports” field. If “All ports” is selected
then the WCCP router will direct all TCP and UDP traffic to the FX. The default value is “Specific Ports”.
This defines the TCP and UDP ports that the router should transparently redirect to the FX. Up to 8 ports
may be specified separated by a comma. The default value is 80.
Ports refer to:
This indicates if the ports field pertains to the source port (for responses from content server) or
destination port (for requests from clients). The default value is “Source”.
Use additional service group:
You can define two service groups within the same WCCP definition. This is normally used if you want the
FX to preserve the source IP address of the remote clients when making requests to content servers on
behalf of those clients. However, if using the “extra” group then the definition is not deemed as non-
critical and will not verify that “critical” service groups are in a usable state. If this is set you must also
enable “Preserve client IP addresses” in the “Other” section on the “Configure->General” page. See more
detailed description titled “WCCP IP Spoofing Configuration” below. The default value is “Disabled”.