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Diagnostics Tools
Writer: Project: Diagnostics Tools Comments:
File Name: J-ch8.doc Last Saved On: 4/24/97 10:38 AM
DAAD Diagnostic Messages
Recommended Action
Controller reported POST
error. Error Code: x
The controller returned an
error from its internal
Power-On Self Tests.
Replace the controller.
Controller restarted with
a signature of zero
DAAD did not find a valid
configuration signature to
use to get the data.
Nonvolatile RAM may not
be present (unconfigured)
or the signature present in
nonvolatile RAM may not
match the signature on the
Run the System Configuration Utility to
configure the controller and nonvolatile RAM.
DAAD recorded errors
attempting to access: X
DAAD found errors while
attempting to access
physical drive X, believed
to be operational. Message
followed by specific
information about the
Replace the drive, or correct the condition that
caused the error.
Disable command issued
Posted writes have been
disabled by the issuing of
the Accelerator Disable
command. This occurred
because of an operating
system device driver.
Restart the system. Run the System
Configuration Utility to reinitialize the array
accelerator board.