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Diagnostics Tools
Writer: Project: Diagnostics Tools Comments:
File Name: J-ch8.doc Last Saved On: 4/24/97 10:38 AM
DAAD Diagnostic Messages
Recommended Action
Accelerator status: Valid
data found at reset
Valid data was found in
posted write memory at
reinitialization. Data will be
flushed to disk.
Not an error or data loss condition. No action
needs to be taken.
Accelerator status:
Warranty alert
Catastrophic problem with
array accelerator board.
Refer to other messages on
Diagnostics screen for exact
meaning of this message.
Replace the array accelerator board.
Adapter/NVRAM ID
EISA nonvolatile RAM has
an ID for a different
controller from the one
physically present in the
Run the System Configuration Utility.
Battery pack X below
reference voltage
Battery pack on the array
accelerator is below the
required voltage levels.
Allow enough time for batteries to recharge (36
hours). If batteries have not recharged after 36
hours, replace the array accelerator board.
Battery X not fully
Battery is not fully
If 75% of the batteries present are fully
charged, the array accelerator is fully
operational. If more than 75% of the batteries
are not fully charged, allow 36 hours to
recharge them.