Measuring / Saving a standard
Measuring / Saving a standard
ColorLite GmbH | sph860/sph900
5.3 Saving a standard
To permanently store a measured standard in the
standard memory select
“Save and use”
Before a standard can be stored in the memory, at
least one folder must be available. Up to five folders
can be created in the
“Edit folder”
Select the memory folder using
the navigation keys and press
The next free space in the speci-
fied folder will be automatically se-
To select a different storage cell
by entering the cell number using
the navigation keys.
The storage procedure is complet-
ed by leaving the index editor by
or abort the
procedure using the
If the selected memory cell is in
use the text
“Slot is free”
is re-
placed by the name of the stand-
ard. Also the colour values and the
date of storage are displayed.
If an occupied memory cell is se-
lected a warning message warns
that the old standard will be delet-
ed. The storage routine can be
cancelled using the key.
By pressing the key the old standard values will be
overwritten with the new values.
A maximum of 200 standards can be stored in each
folder. Up to 5 folders can be created, so that a to-
tal of 1000 standards can be stored.
After successfully storing a refer-
ence standard colour, the cursor
moves to the
“Scan sample”