Basic functions
Basic functions
ColorLite GmbH | sph860/sph900
4.3 Switching the sph860/sph900 on
Press the
key to switch the device on.
After a short welcome window is displayed before the
main menu opens. The sph860/sph900 is now fully opera-
tional and measurements can be made.
4.4 Switching the sph900 off
By pressing the
key in the main menu the
device is switched off
[see Fig. - Main menu]
4.5 Screen saver
If after a period of 5 minutes no keys are pressed the
device automatically dims the display. The selected func-
tion remains unchanged. By pressing the
key the
full brightness of the display is restored.
4.6 Auto-Power-Off
To save battery charge when not in use the
sph860/sph900 is programmed to automatically shut
down when no keys are pressed or measurements made.
The auto-power-off is normally activated another 5
minutes after the screensaver. To switch the device back
into operation pressed the “ON” button.
After the device has been switched off all settings
remain activated, also the active standard remains
If the sph860/sph900 is used with an optional exter-
nal power supply the auto-power-off function can be
Fig. – Initialisation of sph900
Fig. – Main menu