BBG1070QS-OM (V1.8)
Setup/Operating Instructions
BBG-1070-QS Function Menu List and Descriptions
Table 3-1
BBG-1070-QS Function Menu List — continued
PIP 1 (A1)
PIP 2 (A2)
PIP 3 (A3)
PIP 5 (A5)
PIP 4 (A4)
PIP 6 (B1)
PIP 9 (B4)
PIP 8 (B3)
PIP 7 (B2)
PIP 10 (C1)
PIP 13 (C4)
PIP 12 (C3)
PIP 11 (C2)
PIP 14 (D1)
PIP 17 (D4)
PIP 16 (D3)
PIP 15 (D2)
All of the PiP Layout, ARC/Borders, Tally, UMD/Idents, and other graphical attributes are under the cloning “umbrella”
(i.e., attributes can be set up for a given PiP and then cloned across others as desired). Knowing the desired general
layout, set up any PiP meeting your layout desires, and then clone and modify the settings to achieve the overall desired
layout. The example below shows some examples of setting up a given PiP, and then cloning and “tweaking” the settings
for another PiP.
Note: Refer to setup control sections (e.g., PIP ARC/Borders Controls, UMD/Identification Text Insertion Controls, etc.)
for specific instructions on using the particular graphic tool.
In the example layout shown, knowing a layout with 4 rows and 5 columns is desired, the PiP Layout settings for any PiP can be
set for 4x5 rows/columns as shown. In this example starting with PiP 2, the row 1 position and column 2 position is set and
applied, and the PiP is sized accordingly (20x25 in this example).
Once this is done, this PiP is cloned across all PiPs to establish the
baseline consistency across all PiPs. Then after this, the row/column
positions for the other PiPs can be tweaked to place them as
desired. Other attributes such as UMD/Idents and Tallies are then
group cloned and then tweaked as desired.
Using the global 4x5 rows/columns layout, PiP 2 is accordingly
sized and set up to be positioned in Row Position 1 and Column
Position 2. This baseline setting is cloned across all PiPs.
Using the global cloned settings from PiP 2, PiP 9 is set up by
using all cloned settings and simply tweaking the Row/Column
positions to place it as desired.
In this example, the UMD/Idents are also cloned, with the only
tweaks necessary being the ID values.
Note that any PiP settings can be accessed from any unit in the
cascade chain.
Note: User custom text entered in UMD or Ident cells must be
manually entered for each UMD and/or Ident cell. User
custom text cannot be cloned from one PiP to another.
Column 1