BBG1070QS-OM (V1.8)
Setup/Operating Instructions
BBG-1070-QS Function Menu List and Descriptions
UMD/Identification Text Insertion Controls
Provides controls for each PiP to insert UMD text, user
identification text, and timecode burn-in. Also allows
setting insertion rules and text attributes such as size
and color.
• PiP Configure Select/Clone
Individually selects any of the five PiP inputs to be selected for UMD text
insertion edits (as described below). Allows cloning settings to other PiPs.
Note: For multi-unit setup using Cascade Config mode/setup, Clone
Settings from any of the units in the chain can be cloned to any
unit in the chain (i.e., all units in the chain appear in the Clone
Settings From and Clone Settings To drop-downs). See Cascade
Config Setup Controls (p. 3-41) for more information.
• UMD Insertion Select
Selects the rules for UMD overlay insertion into the PiP area.
• UMD Text Type (Format) Select
Selects the type of data to be displayed as UMD text from choices shown.
• User text allows user text to be entered using field described below.
• Video type inserts an overlay showing the video format of the respective
PiP input.
• Clock inserts a wall-clock time overlay (see Clock (Wall-Clock Time/
LTC) Controls (p. 3-53) for setting the wall-clock time clock feature).
• CC Ch 1 thru XDS insert the selected closed-captioning related text from
the video associated with the correlated PiP input video.
Table 3-1
BBG-1070-QS Function Menu List — continued