Climbing Technology by Aludesign S.p.A. via Torchio 22
24034 Cisano B.sco BG ITALY
IST22-SKR2CT_rev.2 04-21
The instructions for use of this equipment consist of different sets of instructions: gen-
eral instructions, instructions that are specific to the SKR-2 device and accessory
instructions for the Kit12 component, where used. All sets of instructions must be
carefully read before using the equipment.
This document only contains
the specific instructions for the use of SKR-2.
This note contains the necessary information for a correct use of the following
product/s: SKR-2. Any work at height requires the use of Personal Protection
Equipment (PPE) as a protection against the risk of a fall. Before accessing the
work station, all the risk factors must be evaluated (environmental, concomitant,
(Fig. 1). This product is a personal protective de-
vice (P.P.E.) against falls from height; it is compliant with the Regulation (EU)
2016/425. EN 12841:2006-A - Rope access systems / safety line adjustment
device. EN 353-2:2002 - Guided type fall arresters including a flexible anchor
For this product the indications of the standard EN 365 must be
respected (general instructions / paragraph 2.5).
For this product a
periodic thorough inspection is compulsory (general instructions / paragraph 8).
Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph 9 / table D): M1; N1.
(Fig. 2). A) Body. B) Safety lever. C) Locking cam. D) Con-
necting hole.
3.1 - Main materials
. Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph
2.4): 2; 3; 7.
Numbers/letters without caption: refer to the legend in the general instructions
(paragraph 5).
4.1 - General
(Fig. 2). Indications: 1 ; 4; 7; 8; 11; 12; 15; 17; 19; 30) Possible
configurations and relative maximum loads allowed; 31) Reference standards and
relative diameters / type of compatible ropes.
4.2 - Traceability
(Fig. 2)
Indications: T1; T3; T8; T9.
The equipment must be connected to the EN 361 attachment point on the harness
(preferably on the front) in one of the following ways: A) through an EN 362 con-
nector (Fig. 6.1-6.2-8.1); B) through the lower connector of the component Kit12
(Fig. 6.3-6.4-8.2).
Only use EN 362 oval connectors, maximum 112
mm long and, where possible, equipped with retaining, anti-rotation, system (e.g.
Fix Pro).
The use of components different from the recommended ones is
expressly forbidden; the use of other webbing/lanyards to extend the connection
of the device to the harness or to the anchor is also forbidden.
Do not
use the Kit12 component alone or in combination with other devices.
5.1 - Anchor points.
For the installation of the rope only anchor points that comply
with the EN 795 standard can be used (minimum strength 12 kN or 18 kN for
non-metallic anchors) that do not have sharp edges.
5.2 - Ropes
(Fig. 1)
The device used in compliance with the EN 353-2 standard
can only be used with the ropes listed in the table (Fig. 1). The device used in com-
pliance with the EN 12841-A standard can only be used with semi static ropes
Ø 10.5÷11 mm (core + sheath) with the EN 1891-A standard. The following
ropes were used for certification: Patron Plus 11 and Patron 10.5 (Teufelberger).
Do not use on metal cables or plied ropes.
Further to the checks listed below, comply with what indicated in the general in-
structions (paragraph 3). Before each use, verify that: the connector inserted in the
connection hole can rotate without external impediments. During each use: ensure
the rope is always in tension to avoid possible free-falls; avoid having slack rope
between the anchor and the attachment on the harness.
The device SKR-2 is indicated for vertical use in fall arrester systems (EN 353-2)
or for rope access (EN 12841-A). Working limit load: 140 kg.
7.1 - Installation.
Open the locking cam and the safety lever by rotating them (Fig.
3.1). Place the device on the rope respecting the correct direction of use (Fig.
3.2), then release the locking cam and the safety lever, so as to prevent the exit
of the rope (Fig. 3.3). Finally insert the connector into the attachment hole (Fig.
Danger of death!
The equipment is a uni-directional device, do no invert the
orientation for use (Fig. 5.1).
In order to uninstall the device from the
rope it is necessary to remove the connector from the attachment hole.
7.2 - Function testing.
Slide the fall arrester upwards, pulling it by the connector
to check that it runs freely (Fig. 3.5). Then rapidly pull it downwards and check
that the fall arrester immediately locks onto the rope (Fig. 3.6).
after having carried out correctly the operational test, it I possible to proceed and
use the device.
7.3 - Use.
Connect the lower connector of the Kit12 component or the single
connector to an EN 361 standard attachment point on the harness. The de-
vice allows the ascent and descent along a vertical line in complete safety and
without user intervention (Fig. 4.1). In the event of a fall by the user, the system
locks instantly (Fig. 4.2).
The device should always be kept as high as
possible with respect to the EN 361 standard attachment point and when used
in combination with Kit12 component it should always be kept at a height higher
than that of the user’s shoulders (Fig. 10.1-8.2).
7.4 - Fall clearance
(Fig. 13).
The fall clearance distance is the minimum free space under the feet of the user
that must be guaranteed to prevent the user from colliding with the ground or any
other obstacle along the fall line, in case of a fall due to failure or malfunctioning
of the working line or one of its components. The fall clearance (F) is given by the
stopping distance (H) plus an additional distance of 1 m (B). These values must
be added to the extension of the anchor line (E), which is due to the elasticity of
the rope and can vary depending on the conditions of use (e.g. distance between
user and anchor point). The table shows the values with fall factor 2, in different
configurations and for 100 kg and 140 kg masses. The distance between the
attachment point on the harness and the user’s feet is, as a general rule, equivalent
to 1.5 m (C).
Before and during each use it is essential to consider the
clearance value required by the equipment in use.
The values shown
in the table are based on theoretical estimates and drop tests with a rigid weight.
Should the user be below the indicated fall clearance distance height,
it might happen that he’s not protected from falls: therefore it is suggested to adopt
supplementary measures during the climbing or the descent.
7.5 - Warnings EN 353-2.
1) Prearrange on the lower end of the flexible anchor
line a security knot at distance not less than of 30 cm from the rope’s end (Fig.
7.3). Alternatively, use a flexible anchor line fitted with a sewn termination loop.
2) In order to improve the performance of the fall arrest device, it is advisable to
connect a weight (2÷5 kg) to the lower end of the flexible anchor line (Fig. 7.1).
3) During progression along the rope, check to ensure that the rope is pulled tight,
that it does not rub against any edge and that it does not come into contact with
any aggressive/abrasive substances. 4) The user must always stay on a lower
level compared the anchor point, the maximum possible inclination must not be
over 15° (Fig. 7.2).
7.6 - Warnings EN 12841-A.
1) Rope adjustment devices have not to be used
in a fall arrest context. 2) When an anchor line is permanently loaded with the
weight of the user, it becomes a working line and it is not suitable to arrest falls: for
optimum levels of user’s safety, an additional safety line must be in place. Always
make sure the fall arrester isn’t used on the safety line. 3) Avoid any overloading
or dynamic loading on the device because this could harm the anchor line. 4) The
anchor line must be connected to the anchor points placed above the user; any
slack of the rope between the anchor point and the user must be avoided (Fig.
11). 5) The technical performances of the anchor line might vary considerably dur-
ing use, due to wear dirt, moisture or repeated uses on the same stretch: keep in
mind that these variances will influence the behavior of the rope inside the device.
Refer to the legend in the general instructions (paragraph 16): F1; F2; F9.
This product is compatible only with with the spare parts and specific accesso-
ries listed below: Kit12* (Ref. No. KIT12).
Accessories/spare parts
marked with an asterisk (*) by themselves do not constitute PPE.
installing an accessory/replacement part, carefully read and understand the in-
structions for use of the device on which it will be installed.
Before use
make sure that the accessory/spare part is correctly installed.