• There is a read error from the backplane EEPROM during boot-up. The
TNC/TSC/TNCE/TSCE/TNCS/TNCS-O cards use the default MAC address (00:11:22:33:44:55).
• There is a read error occurring on one of the redundant control cards that read the address from the
backplane; these cards read the address independently and could therefore each read different address
Clear the INVMACADR Alarm
Complete the
procedure for TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE/TNCS/TNCS-O cards.
If the reset card has not rebooted successfully, or the alarm has not cleared, log into the Technical Support
Website at
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1
800 553-2447).
Step 1
Complete the
procedure for TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE/TNCS/TNCS-O cards.
Wait ten minutes to verify that the card you reset completely reboots and becomes the standby card.
Step 2
If the reset card has not rebooted successfully, or the alarm has not cleared, log into the Technical Support Website at
for more information or call Cisco TAC (1 800 553-2447).
Default Severity: Minor (MI), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
Logical Objects: PSHELF
The Improper Removal of Fiber Shuffle ( IMPROPRMVL-FS) condition occurs when a provisioned and
associated Passive Shelf is unplugged from its USB Port. It occurred due to an improper removal of the device.
The condition will clears when the Passive Shelf is plugged back in the USB port. This transient condition
does not result in a standing condition.
Default Severity: Minor (MI), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
Logical Objects: EQPT
The Internal Patch-cord Connection (IPC) Laser Fail alarm is raised when the laser fails to produce output
power. The laser failure is detected when the laser is powered up. The laser is embedded inside 20SMR FS
CV card for connection verification.
The alarm is cleared automatically when laser output power is detected during or after a power module reset.
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Alarm Troubleshooting
Clear the INVMACADR Alarm