On the Active Controller card, the Alarm severity is Critical (CR) and Service Affecting (SA).
On the Standby Controller card, the Alarm severity is Minor (MN) and Non-Service affecting (NSA).
Logical Object: EQPT
The Active Volume Software Signature Verification Failed (ACT-SOFT-VERIF-FAIL) alarm occurs under
the following conditions:
• The working software running on the control card in the NCS system is tampered with or the working
software running on the system did not originate from Cisco.
• Problem present in the software stored in the protect or standby card.
To clear the ACT-SOFT-VERIF-FAIL alarm, download the software on the protect (standby) flash.
Activate the protect (standby) flash.
After the control card is activated, download the software on the standby partition or the standby code
volume on the protect flash.
Step 1
To clear the ACT-SOFT-VERIF-FAIL alarm, download the software on the protect (standby) flash.
Step 2
Activate the protect (standby) flash.
Step 3
After the control card is activated, download the software on the standby partition or the standby code volume on the
protect flash.
If the troubleshooting procedure does not clear the alarm, log into the Technical Support Website at
or call the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (1 800 553-2447) to report the problem.
Default Severity: Not Reported (NR), Non-Service-Affecting (NSA)
Logical Objects: BITS, FUDC, MSUDC
The Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) condition indicates that this node is detecting an alarm indication signal
in the incoming signal SONET overhead.
Generally, any AIS is a special SONET signal that communicates to the receiving node when the transmit
node does not send a valid signal. AIS is not considered an error. It is raised by the receiving node on each
input when it detects the AIS instead of a real signal. In most cases when this condition is raised, an upstream
Cisco NCS 2000 series Troubleshooting Guide, Release 11.0
Alarm Troubleshooting