IP Communication Solution for Group Applications Configuration Example
description VoIP to multicast bridging for LMR
destination-pattern 4089027737
port 0/2/0:1
dial-peer voice 4 pots
description VoIP to multicast bridging for LMR
destination-pattern 27738
port 0/2/0:2
dial-peer voice 5 pots
description VoIP to multicast bridging for LMR
destination-pattern 4089027738
port 0/2/0:2
dial-peer voice 6 pots
description VoIP to local multicast conference bridge
destination-pattern 2111
port 0/2/0:3
dial-peer voice 7 pots
description VoIP to local multicast conference bridge
destination-pattern 2111
port 0/2/0:4
dial-peer voice 8 pots
description VoIP to local multicast conference bridge
destination-pattern 2111
port 0/2/0:5
dial-peer voice 9 pots
description VoIP to local multicast conference bridge
destination-pattern 2111
port 0/2/0:6
!---Dial Cisco CME Configuration with services configuration
fxo hook-flash
load 7910 P00403020214
load 7960-7940 P00306000300
max-ephones 27
max-dn 40
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 27
timeouts interdigit 5
system message Next GEN Branch Documentation
url services http://phone-xml.berbee.com/menu.xml
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jun 24 2004 14:00:45
dialplan-pattern 1 408902.... extension-length 5
voicemail 27749
mwi relay
mwi expires 99999
max-conferences 8
call-forward pattern .....
web admin customer name cisco password admin
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .....
secondary-dialtone 9