IP Communication Solution for Group Applications Configuration Example
Total unicast outgoing bytes: 4698135144
Total % of Total Unicast
Outgoing Bytes
By Type of Content
Live content: 4698135144 100.00%
On-Demand Content: 0 0.00%
By Transport Protocol
MMSU: 3148201513 67.01%
MMST: 0 0.00%
HTTP: 1549933631 32.99%
Unicast Savings Statistics
Total bytes saved: 3520070301
Total % of Total Bytes
By Pre-positioned content: 0 0.00%
By Live-splitting: 3520070301 100.00%
By Cache-hit: 0 0.00%
Total % of Total
Live Outgoing Bytes
Live Splitting
Incoming bytes: 1178064843 25.08%
Outgoing bytes: 4698135144 100.00%
Bytes saved: 3520070301 74.92%
Total % of Bytes Cache
Bytes cache-miss: 0 0.00%
Bytes cache-hit: 0 0.00%
Bytes cache-total: 0 0.00%
Bytes cache-bypassed: 0
Total % of Req Cache
Cacheable requests
Req cache-miss: 0 0.00%
Req cache-hit: 0 0.00%
Req cache-partial-hit: 0 0.00%
Req cache-total: 0 0.00%
Req cache-bypassed: 81
Objects not cached