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Changing the Configuration Register Settings
This document describes the 16-bit configuration register in NVRAM and includes the following
Platforms Supported by This Document, page 1
About the Configuration Register, page 1
Changing the Configuration Register Settings, page 4
Displaying the Configuration Register Settings, page 5
Configuring the Console Line Speed (Cisco IOS CLI), page 5
Platforms Supported by This Document
Use this document with the following platforms:
Cisco 1800 series routers
Cisco 2800 series routers
Cisco 3800 series routers
About the Configuration Register
The router has a 16-bit configuration register in NVRAM. Each bit has value 1 (on or set) or value 0 (off
or clear), and each bit setting affects the router behavior upon the next reload power cycle.
You can use the configuration register to
Force the router to boot into the ROM monitor (bootstrap program)
Select a boot source and default boot filename
Enable or disable the Break function
Control broadcast addresses
Recover a lost password
Change the console line speed