Appendix D Cisco Secure ACS Command-Line Database Utility
Restoring Cisco Secure ACS with CSUtil.exe
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Cisco Secure ACS backup files contain two types of data:
User and group data
System configuration
You can restore either user and group data or system configuration, or both. For
more information about the ACS Backup feature, see
Cisco Secure ACS Backup,
page 8-47
During the backup, all services are automatically stopped and restarted. No users
are authenticated while the restoration is occurring.
To restore Cisco Secure ACS with CSUtil.exe, follow these steps:
Step 1
On the Cisco Secure ACS server, open an MS DOS command prompt and change
directories to the directory containing CSUtil.exe. For more information about the
location of CSUtil.exe, see
Location of CSUtil.exe and Related Files, page D-2
Step 2
Perform the applicable restoration command:
To restore all data (user and group data, and system configuration), type:
CSUtil.exe -r all
where filename is the name of the backup file. Press Enter.
To restore only user and group data, type:
CSUtil.exe -r users
where filename is the name of the backup file. Press Enter.
To restore only the system configuration, type:
CSUtil.exe -r config
where filename is the name of the backup file. Press Enter.
Result: CSUtil.exe displays a confirmation prompt.