Chapter 11 Working with User Databases
Novell NDS Database
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Step 4
Click Novell NDS.
Result: If no Novell NDS database has yet been configured, the Database
Configuration Creation page appears. Otherwise, the External User Database
Configuration page appears.
Step 5
If you are creating a configuration, follow these steps:
Click Create New Configuration.
Type a name for the new configuration for Novell NDS Authentication in the
box provided.
Click Submit.
Result: Cisco Secure ACS lists the new configuration in the External User
Database Configuration table.
Step 6
Click Configure.
If you click Delete, the Cisco Secure ACS configuration for your Novell NDS
database is deleted.
Result: The NDS Authentication Support page appears. The NDS Authentication
Support page enables you to add a configuration for an Novell NDS tree, change
existing tree configurations, and delete existing tree configurations.
For more information about the content of the NDS Authentication Support page,
Novell NDS External User Database Options, page 11-36
Step 7
To add a new tree configuration, complete the fields in the blank form at the
bottom of the NDS Authentication Support page.
You must select the Add Tree check box to confirm that you want to create
a tree configuration.
Step 8
To change an existing tree configuration, edit the values you need to change.
The name of a tree is not changeable. If you need to change a tree name,
click Delete Tree? on the misnamed tree section and click Submit. Then,
add a new tree with the same configuration data as the deleted, misnamed
tree, making sure the tree name is correct before clicking Submit.