Chapter 8 Establishing Cisco Secure ACS System Configuration
RDBMS Synchronization
User Guide for Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Server
78-14696-01, Version 3.1
Oracle 8—Contains the files
file contains the Oracle 8 SQL procedure needed
to generate an accountActions table. The
file contains Oracle
8 SQL procedures for updating the accountActions table with sample
transactions that CSDBSync can process.
SQL Server 6.5—Contains the files
file contains the Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 SQL
procedure needed to generate an accountActions table. The
file contains Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 SQL procedures for updating the
accountActions table with sample transactions that CSDBSync can process.
Cisco Secure ACS Database Recovery Using the accountActions
Because the RDBMS Synchronization feature deletes each record in the
accountActions table after processing the record, the accountActions table can be
considered a transaction queue. The RDBMS Synchronization feature does not
maintain a transaction log/audit trail. If a log is required, the external system that
adds records to the accountActions table must create it. Unless the external system
can recreate the entire transaction history in the accountActions table, we
recommend that you construct a transaction log file for recovery purposes. To do
this, create a second table that is stored in a safe location and backed up regularly.
In that second table, mirror all the additions and updates to records in the
accountActions table.
If the database is large, it is not practical to replay all transaction logs to
synchronize the CiscoSecure user database with the third-party system. Instead,
create regular backups of the CiscoSecure user database and replay the transaction
logs from the time of most recent backup to bring the CiscoSecure user database
back in synchronization with the third-party system. For information on creating
backup files, see
Cisco Secure ACS Backup, page 8-47
Replaying transaction logs that slightly predate the checkpoint does not damage
the CiscoSecure user database, although some transactions might be invalid and
reported as errors. As long as the entire transaction log is replayed, the
CiscoSecure user database is consistent with the database of the external RDBMS