F I N A L D R A F T - C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Operations Guide
Chapter 5 SNMP MIB Installation and Configuration
Retrieving Information
5.6.2 Date and Time
snmp attribute get local cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTime
Syntax Description
snmp attribute get local cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTime
Displays the date and time for the ONS 15216 EDFA2.
The following SNMP command displays the date and time for the ONS 15216 EDFA2 and other time
snmp row display local cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTime command
The following SNMP command sets the date and time for the ONS 15216 EDFA2 and other time data:
snmp attribute set local cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTimeLocalString command
When setting the local time of day, set the time zone first, set the DST offset second, and set the local
time last. Entries must follow this format: “yyyy-m-d,h:m:s.s +h:m”. Following the space, the time zone
is set as +/– hours from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (also designated as universal coordinated time
(UTC)) followed by a colon and minutes ahead for daylight savings. For example, Pacific Daylight Time
would be –8:60 and Greenwich Mean Time would be +0:0.
Example 5-11
displays the ONS 15216 EDFA2 command for displaying the date and time.
Example 5-11 cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTime Display Command
ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp row display local cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTime
CLASS CERENT-15216-EDFA-MIB.cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTime ::=
cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTimeLocal = '07d20716070a2a042d083c'H;
cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTimeGMT = '07d207160e0a2a042b0000'H;
cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTimeLocalString = "2002-7-22,7:10:42.4 -8:60";
cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTimeGMTString = "2002-7-22,14:10:42.4 +0:0";
cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTimeTimezone = -8;
cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTimeSaving = 60;
cerent15216EdfaRtcDateAndTimeFormsString = "07/22/2002 07:10:42";
Table 5-16
describes the attributes displayed by these commands.
Table 5-15 cerent15216EdfaSromIpMgmtGroup Command Attributes
The IP address used by the system Ethernet
management port. If set to, IP traffic is not
supported over the Ethernet interface.
The default router (gateway) address for the
cerent15216EdfaSromIpMgmtEnetSubNetMask The IP subnet mask for the Ethernet management
The host name of the system.