F I N A L D R A F T - C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Operations Guide
Chapter 4 Provisioning Using ASH and SNMP
Set Gain
The input power (signal) should be consistent with the input power measured during the optical
connection procedure. See the
“Optical Connection Procedure” section on page 3-3
for more
information. The output power value should be 22 dB greater than the input, assuming that the default
gain setting is 22 dB.
An input power higher than –5 dBm will return a Gain Out of Range alarm that can be cleared by
correctly setting the gain value. For more information, refer to
Table 2-2 on page 2-2
4.7 Set Gain
To ensure that the ONS 15216 EDFA2 output signal is received by the transceiver in the network
element, it is important that the gain is set correctly.
The desired output power per channel is dependent on the number of channels traversed in the amplifier.
The user sets the gain of the amplifier depending on the input power (signal) level, the network
application, and the required receiver specifications necessary for error-free operation. Gain range is
provided in
Table 3-1 on page 3-4
To set the amplifier gain, enter the snmp attribute set local cerent15216EdfaConstGainOverallGain
gainvalue command, where gainvalue is the desired gain multiplied by ten. For example, if the desired
gain is 20 dB, the gainvalue would be set to 200.
Example 4-7
shows the command used to set the gain.
Example 4-7
Setting the Gain
ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp attribute set local cerent15216EdfaConstGainOverallGain 200
Prior to changing or implementing gain changes, consult with the Cisco TAC to ensure proper network
4.8 Set Alarm Thresholds
Alarm thresholds are set so that the network operator can be notified when valid alarms occur via the
RJ-45 ALARM OUT and RJ-45 LAN ports on the front panel of the ONS 15216 EDFA2. (See
Figure 4-1
on page 4-6