Technical Specifications
As a number of SEVEN base units variants are described in this manual, please refer to the products technical
specification document for the latest technical and standards information for each variant.
SEVEN 4G Product Manual and Installation Process Version 1.03, Revised 22 Sep 2020.
Even though every attempt has been made to compile correct information, there is always the risk that information is
transposed, omitted or incorrect. This information is for guidance only. Any system should not rely on this information
and should be tested with the actual equipment.
The information contained within this document is the sole property of Chiptech and Chiptech International Limited
(Chiptech), and may only be used with prior permission inside your company or organisation for the exclusive
purposes of evaluating and supporting the use of Chiptech products. Patents and copyrights apply to some of the
systems described in this document.
Chiptech accepts no liability for any damage or consequential loss caused by errors or omissions in this document or
failure of the device to operate correctly.
Chiptech reserves the right to change any detail of the systems described in this document without notification due to
continuous product improvement.
Viewing of this document or use of the product is taken as acceptance of these terms.
This document and all related product material are the copyright © Chiptech Limited 2020. They cannot be copied or
distributed to third parties without the prior written consent of Chiptech.