IC Tray
The IC tray is used to pick-up components in the back PCB area of the machine, with
locations defined by the user. The coordinates follow a sequence from left to right and
front to back. The following window shows the pickup sequence. The IC tray list will be
populated automatically if the feeder number is between 80 to 99.
Figure 10.11.
Window after “Run / Edit / IC tray tab”, for listing IC trays.
The edit commands, see below, are
IC tray number
First IC center X\Y:
IC center coordinate in the left bottom of IC array. The
number can be input manually or determine by location;
Last IC center X\Y:
IC center coordinate in the top right of IC array;
Number X\Y
: number of components in X\Y direction;
Start IC:
ICs are numbered (starting from 0) from left to right and down to top. If
the start IC number is set, the ICs with number smaller than the start IC will be