CET Electric Technology
The programming of the Data Recorder is only supported over communications. Each Data Recorder provides
the following setup parameters:
Setup Parameters
Trigger Mode
0=Disabled / 1=Triggered by Timer / 2=Triggered by Setpoint
Appendix B
Recording Mode
0=Stop-When-Full / 1=First-In-First-Out
Recording Depth
1 to 65535 (entry)
Recording Interval
0 to 3456000 seconds for Standard Data Recorder
0 to 60 cycles for High-Speed Data Recorder
Offset Time
0 to 43,200 seconds, 0 indicates no offset
If the
Trigger Mode
is set to
Triggered by Setpoint
, the
Offset Time
will be disregarded.
# of Parameters
0 to 16
Parameter 1 to 16
0 to 370 for Standard Data Recorder
0 to 28 for High-Speed Data Recorder
Please see refer to
Appendix A
for more information.
Table 4-20 DR Setup Parameters
The DR Log is only operational when the values of
Triggered Mode
Recording Mode
Recording Depth
Recording Interval
, and
Number of Parameters
are all non-zero.
Data Recorder #X can be triggered by clearing the Data Recorder #X when it is full in Stop-When-Full mode.
For Standard Data Recorder, the
Recording Offset
parameter can be used to delay the recording by a fixed time
from the
Recording Interval
. For example, if the
Recording Interval
parameter is set to 3600 (hourly) and the
Recording Offset
parameter is set to 300 (5 minutes), the recording will take place at 5 minutes after the hour
every hour, i.e. 00:05, 01:05, 02:05…etc. The programmed value of the
Recording Offset
parameter should be
less than that of the
Recording Interval
parameter. For
High-speed Data Recorder
, the
Recording Offset
be set to zero.
Time of Use (TOU)
TOU is used for electricity pricing that varies depending on the time of day, day of week, and season. The TOU
system allows the user to configure an electricity price schedule inside the iMeter 6 and accumulate energy
consumption into different TOU tariffs based on the time of consumption.
The TOU feature on iMeter 6 supports two TOU schedules, which can be switched at a pre-defined time. Each
TOU schedule supports:
Up to 12 seasons
90 Holidays or Alternate Days
20 Daily Profiles, each with 12 Periods in 15-minute interval
8 Tariffs
Instead of using the TOU schedule to switch between Tariffs, the iMeter 6 supports Tariff switching based on the
status of DI1 to DI3.
The 3 Digital Inputs (DI1, DI2 and DI3) represent 3 binary digits where Tariff 1=000, Tariff 2=001, Tariff
3=010, …Tariff 7=110 and Tariff 8=111 where DI1 represents the least significant digit and DI3 represents the
most significant digit. As soon as DI1, DI2 and/or DI3 are configured as
Tariff Switches
, the current
TOU Tariff
will be determined by the status of the DIs, and the TOU Schedule will be ignored. The
DI1 Function
setup register
must first be programmed as a
Tariff Switch
before configuring DI2 and DI3 with the same function. In other
words, if DI1 is configured as a
Digital Input
Energy Pulse Counter
, and DI2 is configured as a
Tariff Switch
the TOU will continue to function based on the TOU Schedule. The number of Tariffs supported depends on how
many DIs are programmed as a Tariff Switch as indicated in the following table.
DI Function
DI1 = Tariff Switch
DI2 & DI1 = Tariff Switch
DI3, DI2 & DI1 = Tariff Switch
DI1 (0=T1)
DI2 + DI1 (00=T1)
DI3 + DI2 + DI1 (000=T1)
DI1 (1=T2)
DI2 + DI1 (01=T2)
DI3 + DI2 + DI1 (001=T2)
Not Available
DI2 + DI1 (10=T3)
DI3 + DI2 + DI1 (010=T3)
Not Available
DI2 + DI1 (11=T4)
DI3 + DI2 + DI1 (011=T4)
Not Available
Not Available
DI3 + DI2 + DI1 (100=T5)
Not Available
Not Available
DI3 + DI2 + DI1 (101=T6)
Not Available
Not Available
DI3 + DI2 + DI1 (110=T7)
Not Available
Not Available
DI3 + DI2 + DI1 (111=T8)
Table 4-21 DIs and the Number of Tariffs Setup